Veteran and First Responder Programs
NCEFT’s programs encourage physical, cognitive, and emotional rehabilitation, helping Veterans and First Responders reclaim their independence, confidence, and strength. NCEFT is honored to offer our services 100% free of charge to U.S. Military Veterans as well as First Responders.
Our programs are held at our beautiful 12-acre ranch in Woodside, California and offer a peaceful environment for participants. NCEFT’s team of licensed therapists, certified instructors, and dedicated volunteers, work together to create a safe and supportive environment for participants. These programs include:
Physical and Occupational Therapy:
- We offer indoor clinic services as well as outdoor services that incorporate medical-quality equine movement (also known as hippotherapy). Learn more here.
Mental Health and Resilience Programs:
- Programs are designed to supplement the treatment of PTSD/trauma, anxiety, depression, fears and isolation, anger management, relationship struggles, grief and loss, and more. Learn more here.
Adaptive Recreation and Horsemanship:
- Recreational horseback riding and horsemanship lessons adapted for each client’s ability and goals. Learn more here.
Watch the videos below to see firsthand how NCEFT’s equine-assisted programs produce remarkable outcomes.
VA’s 75th Anniversary Celebration video
that comes from the human-horse connection at NCEFT.
To watch more inspiring client stories, please click here,
Client Feedback:
“The equine-assisted programs that NCEFT provides for our veterans with serious mental illness has been invaluable. For several of our veterans, attending NCEFT programming is the highlight of their week. The opportunity for them to be outdoors, with a gentle creature, and gaining knowledge about horses that transfer into basic social/human interactions is incredible. We have had many testimonials from our vets on how meaningful and impactful these programs are for them. NCEFT’s horse handlers, equine educators, and volunteers are so valuable for all they provide.” – Recreational Therapist, VA Palo Alto Health Care Services
“When my son first started coming to NCEFT, he was in a wheelchair most of the day. We’ve watched over the past two years as he’s progressed to using a walker for 70 to 80 percent of the day. The weekly therapy and redevelopment of his trunk control has helped him immensely.” – Parent of a Physical Therapy Veteran Client
“I credit my ongoing recovery first to my wife and daughters, but also to the patient and tolerant horses and staff of NCEFT. I found the relationship with the horses and staff to be unique in how it helped me deal with the challenges I face.” – Physical Therapy Veteran Client
“When I began to go blind, there were less and less things I could do. I could no longer drive or ride my bicycle. Coming to NCEFT and riding gives me the feeling that there are still things I can do. The horse has his own eyes, and he’s like a guide horse for me. When I leave here, I feel like I’ve accomplished something.” – Adaptive Riding Veteran Client
“Derek is a retired Marine Corp Captain. He suffered a brain injury shortly after his 25th birthday, which left him in a coma for 60 days and with a bleak prognosis of making any meaningful recovery. Even after he miraculously regained consciousness, Derek has had to relearn to eat, drink, walk, and talk, and unfortunately he still needs help with many daily living tasks. While an inpatient at the VA Hospital, we were given information about NCEFT’s hippotherapy program. Derek had no interest in NCEFT as he had never ridden a horse and he was apprehensive to try something new that would make him feel vulnerable and further expose his post injury deficits. Thankfully, we were able to persuade Derek to at least visit NCEFT and he was won over almost immediately by therapy horse, Cowboy. Derek has been a regular client at NCEFT ever since that first lesson in 2008, and is currently part of the Adaptive Riding program. NCEFT has helped Derek physically (improving his strength and balance), cognitively (learning riding patterns and horsemanship), and emotionally (the connection with the horses and the amazing staff at NCEFT has given him so much confidence). NCEFT has and continues to be an important part of our family, and we’re so grateful for the improved quality of life it has given to Derek.” – Spouse of an Adaptive Riding Veteran Client
“I recently had the opportunity to participate in NCEFT’s unique therapeutic recovery after the loss of my beautiful wife Jennifer. The National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy is an extremely giving institution. A highly trained therapist is there to support and talk to you as you groom, walk, or ride a horse. Bonding with a horse is a special experience that I will always cherish. My son, James, set me up with this awesome opportunity, which is offered to Veterans and First Responders at no charge. Their service to our community is invaluable. The staff is professional and I respected their divine attention to help me alleviate my sorrow and grief during this profound time in my life. A special thanks to Briana who was so caring with thoughtful insight, suggestions, and wisdom. Many thanks to NCEFT!” – Mental Health and Resilience Veteran Client