Last Sunday was one of those days where the rain kept its distance, clouds parted, and the sun turned its face towards our facility on Runnymede Road. Staff had been preparing for our annual holiday party all week, wrapping garlands, hanging wreaths, and bravely scaling the roof to plant pointsettias in the second floor window boxes. Santa’s honorary reindeer had been bathed, blanketed, and bedded down in a clean stall, ready to carry in the guest of honor.
The final gift bag had just been placed behind the tree when the first minivan pulled into our parking lot. Soon a steady stream of wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers began pouring in, and it wasn’t long before the once empty tables were groaning beneath platters of mashed potatoes and spinach quiche. Families loaded up paper plates and found seats between friends new and old. Holiday music could be heard through the speakers, choral voices accompanied by the jingling of silver sleigh bells as Jack pulled the carriage around the ring.

The children might tell you the best part was riding shotgun in the Woodside fire truck, or perhaps sitting with Santa and Sebastian, but the parents have something else to say. Again and again they told us this was their party. In a month inundated with invitations, this was often the only event to which they rsvp’d “yes.” Our annual Family Holiday Party was the one place where their kids could not only be themselves, but where “themselves” is just like everyone else. Service dogs lay side by side while their owners took turns petting the horses, and Santa had all the time in the world to talk to a little boy who still believes.
In the words of one Mom, NCEFT is where we can be ourselves.