They’re the quintessential socialites. Whether it’s white tie or country chic, the two of them have been photographed at every social event since their arrival in Woodside four years ago. You won’t find them knocking back a cocktail though; at only 5 years old they’re both too young to partake in anything more than a bucket of water.

Willy and Wonka are arguably some of the most prominent and well-recognized members of NCEFT. Though some of their notoriety is certainly due to a serious set of vocal chords—often put to good use during feeding time—their fans love them for more than their good looks. Officially known as Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys, the boys are the perfect size for our smaller patients to love on. Though their list of marketable skills is short (walks on lead, eats cookies), they earn their keep as ambassadors, entertaining visitors with antics and elaborate costumes alike.

It’s been 4 years and the boys’ fan base is still growing. During lunchtime you’ll find them roughhousing in the arena with our Miniature horse, Roxy, or taking a walk with one of the many volunteers who helps care for the “Three Amigos.” They’re always happy to visit with admirers, so be sure to say hello the next time you’re at the barn.